Fishes you can catch
We practice catch & release
Perch - FluBarsch - Perche (abborre)
This is one of the most popular fishes to catch is Sweden. It has a attitude och give a good fight when you have it on the hook.
Size is different depending on location and time of the year. 1 kg and up is a very good catch. Can be up to 2,5 kg in some cases.
Metod: Spinn fishing with lures like Jiggs,
Spinner baits and spoons.
it is also very popular to Fly Fish after perch.
Pike - Hecht - Brochet (gädda) Esox Lusius
Pike is our predator that you can find in almost every water in Sweden. Pike fishing is all year around.
Size variates also here depending on time of the year and how you catch them. 1 - 14 kg.
Pike fishing is done with spinn fishing equipment but also Fly Fishing from boat in our case.
Sea Trout - Meer forelle - Truite deer (havsöring)
Sea Trout is a fish we catch during the "colder" season when the water temperature is below 11 degres celsius.
Method: Spinn- or Fly fishing from boat.
Zander / Pike Perch (gös)
Zander is also a predator fish.
Method: Spinn- or trolling from boat.